Friday, September 11, 2015

Life the Vista Way

Another few days of getting settled in at Vista Way.. yesterday I didn't have time to write, so today I'll fill you in on the exciting events here at the apartment. My roommates made me a Dominican breakfast yesterday and it was really good! Mashed plantains and fried cheese - it's called mangu. Plantains look like green bananas and to me they taste like potatoes. Awhile after breakfast we went to the pool to hang out with a couple friends and we met some new friends - one from Seattle, one from New Jersey, and one from Charlotte, NC.  It's been so fun meeting people from all over the US! ALSO did I mention that I love having a pool? Went to the outlet mall in the evening to check out the stores too.

the squad



Today was the first day of training, called Disney Traditions! I'm definitely glad I had the early session of training, because I got to spend the rest of my day in one of the Disney parks - Hollywood Studios! As my mom would say, the early bird gets the worm. Training was fun - we got to see part of Magic Kingdom, we earned our "ears" (mickey ears, of course), we received our name tags (super exciting!), and received a visit from the Mickey himself. One thing you will hear a lot here is "Lets start with some trivia!!!!" I should have brushed up on my Disney trivia before coming here.. Let me test your knowledge: What are the names of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs? Answer at end of post.

After training, a few friends and I went to Hollywood Studios. Both of my friends - Tevin and Tayler, had already been to Disney World, so they let me pick which park to go to.
I picked Hollywood Studios because I really wanted to go on the Tower of Terror - perfect because they love that ride too! The wait line was really short which was awesome. After that we went on the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster - which is a roller coaster inside, and its really dark. It shoots you off super fast and you can't even see where you're going at first. And then we went on it again. And then we went on it again:). It's definitely one of my favorite rides. On the way to ride Star Tours, Tevin and Tayler both got randomly chosen to be in a skit on the street. It was too funny. I took the liberty to photograph it and take videos and cheer them on.

What did I get myself into?

After Star Tours, we rode The Great Movie Ride. We were going to go to the Frozen Sing-Along, but didn't quite make it in time. Definitely will do that one another day:) For dinner, I got my first giant turkey leg. I remember they had those at Disneyland, but I never got one there. Definitely have to try it at least once - if you're not a vegetarian or vegan, of course... then I would not recommend it. To finish off the evening, we watched    a bit of Fantasmic and then called it a night. I'd say the day was a success!

Turkey legs are as funny to eat as they are big
P.S. Sorry for the really awkward layout of this blog post... still trying to figure this thing out. The photo settings are very limited.. If anyone has any tips I could definitely use the help.

Trivia Answer: Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy

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