Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 1!

Quite the day today was! I left Portland at 7:20 pm Monday night and arrived in Orlando, FL at 5:22 am. I made it to Vista Way Apartments (1 of the 4 complexes that house Disney College Program participants)  on time for my 8am check in and was swiftly guided through all the steps of receiving my ID, apartment keys, and various informational packets. Overwhelming much? So much info! After that a group of us was whisked away on a bus to fill out paperwork at Disney Casting. When the bus took off, they played the song “What Dreams are Made of” by Hilary Duff from the Lizzie McGuire move. That made me laugh at how appropriate the song was – seeing as it is Disney and all of us new DCP participants are just arriving.

Finally after all the various line waiting, I got to head to my apartment and unpack and relax. I met my roommate Kaliah from southern Florida, who was super friendly and welcoming! We also have 3 roommates from Brooklyn, NY. Our 6th roommate did not show up.. we aren’t sure if they will fill her spot or not! We have a 3 bedroom apartment. One room has a master bath (unfortunately didn’t make it here early enough to claim that gem) and the other two bedrooms share a bathroom and there is another sink and counter space out in the hallway – so there is plenty of bathroom space which is good!

Our apartment complex has quite a few amenities – two pools, a basketball court, tennis court, clubhouse, 24 hour fitness center, learning center (with writing workshops – which I’ll definitely use for help on my resumes and grad school essays), and ping pong and pool tables. Lots to do! Within walking distance are a few restaurants, shops, and a Walgreens. For everything else we can take a bus or bum a ride with a friend – if you’re lucky to make friends with someone who has a car!

It is definitely quite the adventure, however, to take the bus to Walmart and get a bunch of groceries. I probably spent 5 hours at Walmart today with my roommates. The first trip my roommates mom took us and I got a bunch of food. The second trip, all my roommates and I went. We each got stuff for ourselves, and also had a list of stuff such as cleaning supplies, kitchen essentials, and appliances (**coffee maker!!!*) that we all split the cost of. We met a few new people on the bus, and ran into a few guys I had met earlier when taking luggage to my apartment. To sum up the trip, we ended up with 9 people, 6 grocery carts full of food and supplies, at least an hour of waiting in lines and for people to finish shopping. What was even funnier was our caravan of carts to the bus, and then our struggle to load our arms full of bags and all get onto the bus with no casualties. We definitely caused a scene.. but it was worth the laughs and trouble.

I’m exhausted sitting in bed right now… time for some sleep to prepare for tomorrow!

P.S. bear with me as I figure out this blogging thing… Pictures to come soon!

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