Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day Off and Training Days

Tuesday I had the day off! A few friends and I went to the Cast Connections store. It is a store for Disney employees and their friends/family and it has discounted merchandise and gifts and even furniture that is no longer needed from the Disney World parks and hotels. There is also a section in the back of the store for employees only that has slightly damaged merchandise that is sold for 75% off. You can find some really good deals here - sometimes there is only a small scratch or stain on something that is barely noticeable. I got a coffee mug, lanyard, and a case for my kindle for only $15!

 We also went to Costuming to get our work shoes. Costuming is a huge department - there is one at every park (all 4) and they have all the different uniforms for every job. There are so many uniforms!!! Rows and rows... they also wash all the uniforms. You can buy shoes at one of the Costuming locations as well, which makes it convenient. Costuming has everything from shirts, undershirts, belts, and pants, to coats and raincoats. When you work you have to use the Disney raincoats/coats. Apparently you should get yours early or else they could run out of sizes and you'd get stuck with a huge one..

Later we went to Animal Kingdom! It was the last park of the four that I hadn't been to yet. (There is Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom). This park was so cool - its jungle/safari/Africa themed. We went on the Everest Expedition roller coaster twice, it was SO FUN. We also met Pocahontas and the governor (the villain from that movie), and saw a Lion King show - it was so neat!! I wasn't expecting much from the show but it was amazing - they had gymnasts, trapeze artists, singers, dancers and a fire dancer!
Tree of Life

Expedition to Everest for the 1st time:)

selfie with the governor

Lion king show - the blue blur near the middle of the photo is a dancer/circus act thingy.. not sure the official term
Amazing dancers! Makes me miss it...

Safari Tour


Wednesday and Thursday were my 1st and 2nd training days! In addition to working at the ride, I'll be working at a spot where guests can meet characters, and also at the Captain EO show. Training was really interesting - it's really cool to see all of the behind the scenes stuff done at the ride, the security system, and all the details that go into safety checks. We get to ride the ride every morning and night (depending on your shift), and also sometimes throughout the day to make sure everything is running smoothly. I wish I worked at a roller coaster... then I'd get to ride one every day at work - how cool would that be?!? I'm enjoying where I work so far though.. there are a lot of different positions and we switch every hour so it doesn't get boring. I'm excited to get to know my coworkers and get into the swing of things.
Sign on the fridge at work :D

Also this song is stuck in my head...

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