Friday, October 16, 2015

Grad Schools and Disney Magic

I've been busy at work with grad school researching! This past week I've been calling different schools to get more information about their communication sciences & disorders/speech-language pathology programs. So far I am for sure applying to:
-Portland State University
-Texas Christian University
-Washington State University, and
-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Several more I am considering are Baylor, University of Texas at Dallas, Arizona State, University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University. I will definitely apply to at least one school in Arizona. There are so many choices for grad schools that it has been hard to narrow it down to just 6 or 7, but that's my goal for this weekend. I've already begun a few online applications and also emailing professors about letters of recommendation (I already have 2 professors and 1 SLP writing me letters), and beginning to get transcripts sent in. This upcoming week I'll start brainstorming/writing my essays.

It's really neat working here because I've met people from so many different states and colleges! I've been able to ask coworkers about their colleges and states because many of them are from areas where I'm applying to schools/schools that I am actually applying to! One went to UNC at Chapel Hill, one went to ASU, I briefly talked to someone from Eastern Washington University which was a school I was considering previously, and I have a few coworkers that go to school in Texas so I was asking them about the cities/colleges there. So convenient while I'm doing grad research - everyone's hometown or college/university is right on their name tags!

We recently got our wifi fixed, but before that I was going into the Learning Center here at our apartment clubhouse to use the computers/internet. When you use a computer, you scan your company ID and then get assigned to one of the 22 computers. I go so often that the girls working at the front desk know which computer is my favorite to use, and they always leave it open for me in case I come in:) My favorite computer has a lot of desk space around it, is next to an outlet so I can plug things in to charge, and has a great view of the pool outside. The learning center also has 2 printers, and you're allowed to print as much as you want as long as its education related. It is super convenient because its the building right next to my apartment!

Recently, along with the Food and Wine Festival, the set of the ABC show "The Chew" filmed a few episodes here at Epcot! I would see their trailers on my work to and from work, and I even saw a few of the tv hosts on the set one day when I picked up an extra shift working at the Food & Wine Festival. They filmed it right at the World Showcase, with the huge globe in the center of Epcot in the background. The episodes aired on tv this past week, and our breakroom tv was turned to that channel so we could watch it during our break. One of my coworkers actually won tickets to be in the audience when they filmed it! It was cool to see it on tv and think - hey, I actually work there!
Epcot before park opening

I recently got to do a Magic Moment at work and it was so much fun! I had a family come through the line at Character Spot, and the mom was telling me about what a stressful day of traveling they had that day - they had problems with their flight, and had to take two separate planes to get to Disney World! They just arrived at Epcot and it was already 8pm:/ Not a fun way to start their vacation! I wanted to do something special for them so I called my coordinator and was able to arrange to give them a Fast Pass to any attraction at Epcot! I surprised them at the exit of Character Spot with the fast passes and they were so excited. It was so rewarding to see their reaction and make their night! There's nothing like a little Disney magic!!

More pictures below of fun times at the parks during my days off:)
Tarzan is still adjusting socially


My friend Priscilla and I! She also works in Epcot

Fun morning going on a few rides before work!

Something fun came in the mail last week - the 2015 Disney Family Holiday celebration coupons!!!!!!!!! Yay for Disney perks! Coupons for dining discounts, free treat coupons, doubling cast discount coupons, a spa coupon, and information about other seasonal park admission and hotel discounts. Also our cast discount of 20% off gets bumped up to 40% off starting October 19th through the rest of the time my internship lasts! I've been waiting for the discounts to kick in so I can get the better deal on any merchandise... (:

COME VISIT ME IN FLORIDA I HAVE THE DISCOUNT HOOK UPS:):) For real. Offer expires December 20, 2015.* Limited time only.** Yours truly will host you in an unforgettable discounted personalized Disney World Tour. Please call for more details or email at***

*or it expires January 4, 2016 if you don't need the Walt Disney Resort discount.
**Offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
***Facebook messaging accepted as well.

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